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Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. User Guide Cancel. Get update now! Asset Panel not loading in Adobe Captivate release? Read More to find a solution. Use Advanced Actions in Captivate. Advanced actions in Captivate can be categorized into two main actions: Standard actions Conditional actions.
Standard action. Creating a standard action. In the Advanced Actions dialog, the following labels describe the items on the dialog. Label Description 1 Name of the action. On an empty slide, perform the following:. Insert an image of a rocket and assign an identifier, for example, rocket.
Example 1: Standard action — Send email. Example 2: Standard action — Execute JavaScript. When you preview the project and on clicking the button, you get the following pop-up:. Conditional action. Creating a conditional action. If block. Check the conditions in this block. For example, if a is equal to b. Action block. The actions to execute if the above condition or conditions return true. Else block. The actions to execute if the above condition or conditions return false. Add a decision.
Remove a decision. Duplicate a decision. Select to choose action type for if. Conditional action — While. Variables in conditional statements. In Captivate, there are two types of variables: System variables: System variables come pre-defined with Captivate. Creating and modifying a user variable. The slide now looks, as shown below:. Preview the project. At runtime, you can see that the value of the variable gets displayed. Conditional statement: Example 1 — Toggle visibility of an object.
Declare a variable myVar with value equal to 0. Create an advanced action B1 where:. If the value of myVar is equal to 0. Then hide the object and assign the value of myVar to 1. Else show the object and assign the value of myVar back to 0. Condition statement: Example 2 — Checking the validity of a user name and password. Create an advanced action, A1, where:.
Then perform the following actions, as shown below:. Else move to a different slide, as shown below:. Edit statements. To remove a decision, select the decision and then click the delete icon.
In the Existing Actions , select the action that you want to modify or delete. Do one of the following:. Use the appropriate icon at the upper-right corner to delete or duplicate the action To update the advanced action, use the appropriate menu icons to update the statements and then click Update.
Manage conditional actions. To delete a decision tab, click the tab, and then click '-'. Instant Knowledge. Other students can be merged. You will be the only student in the class. Week Days. Start Time : At any time 12 AM. Select Time Zone. Training Schedule:. Enquire Now! Customers who bought this course also buy Adobe Captivate Advance.
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Schedule for Group Training is decided by Koenig. Schedule for 1-on-1 is decided by you. What is the advantage of 1-on-1 if there can be other students? In 1-on-1 you can select your own schedule, other students can be merged but you select the schedule. Choose 1-on-1 if published schedule do not meet your requirement. If you also want a private session, opt for 1-on-1 Public. Is price of the exam included in the fee? No, it is not included. Which other courses do you offer in Instructional Design?
What is the difference both 1-on-1 Public and 1-on-1 Private.? In both, you choose the schedule. In public, other participants can join, Private other participants want to join. Is there Hands-on training? Yes, course requiring practical include hands-on labs. How can we pay? Do you have a payment link? You can buy online from the page by clicking on " Buy Now ".
You can view alternate payment method on payment options page. Can I pay from website? Yes, you can pay from the course page and flexi page. There are 12 buttons, so you end up with 6 groups. The buttons themselves indicate where they are. However you can set up labels as you want. Each button is a multistate object. Normal state is the symbol for the virus, the Back state has the image.
It will track the button clicks first or second. It starts at 0, and the game is finished when reaching 6. For more information check: Replay or Reset? This action is triggered by the 12 buttons, and has only 3 parameters as you can see in the preview of the action:. Always is a standard action, it shows the back state of the clicked button and disables it.
In that case the Reset workflow is used. The advanced action 'EnterGame' see below will reset what is necessary. The group with the two buttons will be hidden, to reveal the background image. Since buttons can have been disabled see ButtonAct all buttons need to be enabled. A group tracking variable can have a value 1, needs to be reset to 0. More possibilities will not need a lot of work. If you want to reuse the workflow in more projects a shared action has a lot of advantages.
You only have to set up the multistate objects and the groups in the slide. What about the Shared action ButtonAct? Two possibilities for editing:. Use the Shared action to create an advanced action. Delete the shared action in the Library. Edit the literal to the wanted number, and recreate the shared action. You can even use the same original name. I want to try to keep the tradition to offer a special blog at the start of a new year.
Like last year it is a game, hiding my greetings card. There is some nostalgia here as you will read. On my personal blog you can still find the very first game I every created exclusively with Captivate: no Javascript, no use of widgets nor other applications.
That was almost a decade ago. Since that game used Captivate 5 , it took me quite a number of hours to get a satisfactory result.
If you still have a browser with Flash Player plugin enabled, you can even watch the embedded game in this post:. With version Last year I also offered a game for the Chinese New Year. Using version This game uses only one shared action with 3 parameters, one advanced action for reset and another one to restart the game. It is also much more flexible than the original game. Creating another game with more or less pairs will be a breeze due to the shared action.
Finding or creating the images will take lot longer than adding the actions. It is possible to create 'pairs' that are not identical images: for language learning you can pair an image with a word and maybe even audio , you could pair words in different languages, acronyms with their description etc Personally I would have used CpExtra to reduce the statement lines in the Advanced actions, because that wonderful widget allows to Assign, Show, Hide, Disable multiple objects in one statement.
However, for the sake of consistency I have created the advanced actions in the default way. As usual, I provide both a link to a rescalable version , and an embedded one with a fixed resolution. This would be for developers with some experience about variables and Advanced actions.
If you are interested, please add a comment. From exploring Shared actions I learned to use a different mindset and could offer practical tips.
You can even send me an advanced action you estimate to be appropriate to convert to a shared action. More is in a hyperlink — Dropdown menu. More is in a hyperlink — Close button. Later on I used the Dropdown menu workflow in all the interactive videos which I posted here, to create a Bookmark menu. Last week, a user asked questions about the same topic. I did keep the typical Underline for the hyperlinks but often edited the color.
You will find tons of them. The design of the slides was taken from the Quick Start Project included with version It always reminds me of the epoch of the Hippies…. No audio, sorry. There is no playbar, nor TOC. It is a rescalable, non-responsive project. I checked out the workflows in a Fluid Boxes project as well, because they may be very interesting for that type of project. The list with commands which you can open when clicking the down arrow next to the field 'Web page' looks shorter than the Simple Actions list under the Actions tab for an interactive object:.
Some commands are indeed missing, but most Slide commands can be found under the unique 'Slide' command. In this screenshot you see how to translate the Jump to Slide command, which you'll need to create navigation buttons see Menu slide, second slide in the example project :. The big advantage of using hyperlinks is that everything could be done with one text container, in which you mark several items as hyperlinks. Especially for responsive projects: click box over text is not possible in a normal fluid box; limiting number of objects make setup much easier for Fluid Boxes workflow as well as for Breakpoint Views.
Alternative for buttons? Advantage is that you don't have shrinking of the text when pressed, you don't have to configure InBuilt states. Disadvantage: you miss the Visited state to indicate that an item has been visited. The slide with the hyperlinks in ellipses, was created as a 'dynamic' hyperlink to be compared with Dynamic buttons.
Text in the ellips are user variables, used as hyperlink. A simple conditional action similar for both is used:. It would also be possible to have all the info boxes in one multistate object which I use in the next two use cases. Similar to the navigation solution, if you don't like shrinking nor styling of InBuilt states this could be a solution. Again, since a Visited state is missing, that can be a drawback. Another drawback is that you cannot use shared actions, which I would have done in this case.
You need to use duplicate advanced actions. Normally it is not possible to add an interactive object to a state in a multi-state object.
You cannot create a hyperlink neither. However it is possible to have the same hyperlink available in all states, with the same triggered action. On the Close Box - slide, The info multi-state object is a shape with 6 states. Here is a screenshot:. It is exactly the same on the state. To create this multistate object you need to follow carefully this workflow:. I have tried with Hide for the hyperlink, but had lot of issues, seemed not to be functional. That is the reason why I switched to an invisible Normal state.
In the ellipses you find more hyperlinks. They change the multi-state object to the appropriate state. Here is an example for the first category 'QSP':. As far as I know this is the only way to have an action propagating to other states in a multi-state object.
Shared actions are not possible nor are Visited States although with a more complicated advanced action possible. The action triggered by the hyperlink can be rather complicated. A not so complicated example follows. Setup of the multi-state object is quite the same as in the previous slide.
In this case the change of state is triggered by real 'buttons', which seemed logical with this content. That also allowed me to use a Shared action. To track the clicks, a user variable is needed for each of the buttons. The shared action is visible in these two screenshots:. The X hyperlink, which was propagated to all states, triggers an advanced action with two decisions.
The Back to Menu button is hidden with the On Enter event of the slide, and made visible when all variables have been toggled to 1.
That meant that they all have been clicked:. Recently a Captivate posted a question in the Adobe forums. She was upgrading an older project, where the developer used a slide for each lightbox, by using multistate objects to replace the multiple slides. After having asked for some extra information, it turned out to be more complicated than just the creation of lightboxes.
It was about a two-step process for extra information:. Such an interactive object can be a button, a click box or… a hyperlink. Quite a while ago I wrote a couple of articles to demonstrate the power of hyperlinks which is ignored by many. However, for HTML5 output in the recent version Originally when creating the sample output, I planned to use hyperlinks in most cases, but had to give up for the reason just explained.
So I had to revert to buttons in most cases. I will explain the complete setup in a blog. You can watch the project below fixed resolution or using this link rescalable output. By hiding the Cover, I also hide the hyperlink since it is a text in the cover. Because the advanced action was not triggered as it does when using SWF output. Too bad. This is an action with 6 decisions. Those decisions have only one command and can easily be created with the duplicate decision button.
You can extend the described workflow to more than 5 questions. The shared action can be used, and you may have to add decisions to the two longer advanced actions. It could be done with a hyperlink or an extra button. It would be possible to have something happen when all question buttons have been clicked, but that will require the creation of one extra variable for each button, a Boolean to be toggled from 0 to 1 if a button has been clicked.
The check for the extra happening has to be added to the CloseAct. Such functionality is not available out of the box. There is no way to disable that button. You can drag it out to the scratch area, and use Auto Submit, but that was of course no solution for this situation. Have a look at this published file. The Submit button is not on the slide when you start, it will only appear after the first drag action. To make the slides more similar to quiz slides, I added a second step to the Submit Process.
Check your Captivate knowledge for version Either use this link rescalable or watch the embedded published file fixed size :. The trick is to use the Timeline and a motion path effect triggered by any Object action.
Captivate advanced actions.
Adobe captivate 9 advanced actions free -
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